Anarkata Black Anarchism and the Black Radical Tradition (Book Review) Black Anarchism and the Black Radical Tradition is a much-needed short and accessible text offering a history of Black anarchic revolutionaries and landmark documents within the Black Radical Tradition.
Anarchism The Last Shall Be First, Pt. III: Every Cook Is Still Governed (For CLR James) "It's alluring to think of where [James's] theoretics might have gone had he owned the "anarchist" label, and began re-examining early writings on Black popular resistance in that light."
Anarkata Against Sex Class Theory: Some Notes On Science, Materialism, and Gender Self-Determination "I want to put a critique of cissexism at the center of my analysis; this is what makes my thinking Black/Third World transfeminism as opposed to just a Black/Third World feminism."
Anarchism Self-Criticism: How I Became a BAR (Black Anarchic Radical) We should never be afraid of self-criticism. Not only where we fall short in practice, but also, equally importantly, where our theory falls short of reality. To stick to wrong ideas in the face of a changing world is to betray dialectics itself.
African Liberation Pan-African Revolt for A New Century: Case Studies of the United States, Nigeria and Haiti "Black people have always revolted. Black people are currently revolting. Black people will continue to revolt. The key to those revolts is understanding and honoring their mass character. It is the Black masses who ultimately bring about the conditions that make revolutionary change possible."
News "I am Maroon!" The Historical and Political Importance of Freeing Russell "Maroon" Shoatz "Maroon is in need of proper medical treatment. We can only ensure this with his immediate release... particularly with the steady surge of COVID-19 in the prisons and jails across this country. It is impossible to social distance in prison. He is our elder. Our hero."
Anarkata Study, Solidarity, Spirit, Struggle: The Anarkata Turn, pt. 2 "Too much revolutionary community work of today has fallen victim to the capitalist habit of isolating certain variables from the totality they operate in..."
History How We're Trapped in the Spectacle of Liberal Democracy "When picturing the revolutionary in the Sudanese Revolution, in Syria, in Chile, or in anywhere else in the world, don't forget to imagine how difficult it would be for them to adapt to American activist spaces because of our lack of collective tenacity."
Organizing Anarchism and Black Struggle "We change, our struggles change, and yet white allies tend to stay the same. We must thus either create anew or take tactile action. What we do represents what we think."