Kevin "Rashid" Johnson Prison Officials Continue To Deny Comrade Rashid Cancer Treatment (July 18, 2022) "We must make Rashid’s situation and the plight of all who are imprisoned and suffering under torturous conditions mainstream topics of conversation as everyone on this earth deserves to have food, shelter, and healthcare."
Black Panthers Statement From The RIBPP On Comrade Rashid's Health - 07.04.22 At Rashid's request, I am writing to inform the public that he has prostate cancer. We will use this diagnosis to highlight the inhumane treatment, conditions, and intentional medical neglect that the imprisoned routinely face and the need to overturn a system that encourages this type of abuse.
Criticism & Self-Criticism Within The Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party (RIBPP): Why And How We Practice It (May 2022) "Opening ourselves up to criticism will ultimately win the trust and confidence of the people. The trust and confidence of the people will be necessary to build relationships and carry out the tasks we will take on while working towards a socialist and ultimately communist future."
Some Thoughts On The Panther Solidarity Organization, What It Is And What It Isn't: Programmatic Unity vs. Political-Ideological Unity (April 2022) The Party unites programmatically with people whose politics are different from ours as long as the contradictions aren’t antagonistic, with the hope of winning them to a deeper political understanding or of gaining partial demands that lay the groundwork for more revolutionary gains.
Black August STATEMENT BY THE RIBPP, RIWPO & PSO ON THE RETALIATORY TRANSFER AND RACIST THREATS BY SOUTHERN OHIO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY OFFICIALS TOWARDS POLITICAL PRISONER, KEVIN “RASHID” JOHNSON "Rashid is a long-time political leader, writer, artist, activist and organizer. He is being targeted by the state because of his political beliefs, his many published pieces documenting prison abuse and torture, and efforts at organizing for better conditions."
Police The Show Trial and Verdict in the Case of Derek Chauvin: Another Page from the Pig Playbook "Offering up one low-level pig, whose bad day at the office ignited a firestorm of mass just collateral damage, as far as the pigs are concerned; so long as the status quo is maintained."
Action Racist Retaliation and Abuse of Comrade Rashid Intensifies at Pendleton Correctional Facility (September 2020) "I am asking for everyone’s help.... Please call and/or email the staff at PCF expressing your support of Rashid, your awareness of his current situation, and our demands on his behalf using the suggested script and contact information."