Commentary The Great Divide "People who advocate for the murder of people who are different are given more consideration than people who are living houseless on the street. "
Current Events It's Not A Bug, It's A Feature "What unites these two tragedies is the willful disregard for human life shown by large corporations across the globe. The stories are manifold, ranging from the banal to the obscene, but what is truly infuriating is the fact that it keeps happening."
Unions It's Not The Fall That Kills You "The United States economy sits on the two pillars of service and manufacturing. In the latest survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half of all held jobs involved some aspect of Service, even if that was not their primary job descriptor."
Art Decency: A Eulogy "We had to kill Decency, because taking a stark, unyielding, impolite look at a person’s legacy is the only way we’re going to learn from it. That, and a good laugh keeps our dread at bay."
Neoliberalism It Was Never About Law And Order "It has been made abundantly clear by this and many other situations that 'law and order' has always meant playing to the racial fears of the white majority."
ICE On Thin ICE "Resistance doesn’t need to be loud and out. Resistance is a collection of actions, big and small, that snowball into a concerted effort."